Refund Policy

    By subscribing to Try-On, users agree to abide by the terms outlined in this refund policy. We are committed to providing a valuable and enjoyable experience for our users and welcome any feedback or inquiries regarding our services.

1. Subscription Refunds:

    Users can cancel their subscription at any time, and their account will remain active until the end of the current billing period. No refunds will be issued for the remaining period of the subscription.

2. Run Allocation:

    Upon subscription, users are allocated a certain number of runs based on their chosen plan. Each run allows the user to generate an image with the selected model wearing the uploaded cloth in various poses. If a user exhausts their allocated runs, they have the option to upgrade their plan to obtain additional runs.

3. Run Refunds:

    Once a run is utilized to generate an image, it is considered consumed, and no refunds or credits will be provided for unused runs. Each upload of a cloth image with a selected model constitutes the consumption of one run.

4. AI Processing Time:

    Please note that image generation with the selected model may take approximately 5 to 10 minutes per run. This processing time is inherent to the nature of our AI technology and is not eligible for refunds.

5. Exceptional Circumstances:

    Refunds may be considered in exceptional circumstances, such as technical errors resulting in the inability to access the service. Users experiencing such issues are encouraged to contact our customer support team for assistance.

    For further assistance or inquiries, please contact our customer support team at Thank you for choosing Try-On.